
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

piece of writing....!!

Here in the darkness I began to discover the joy of being alone!
It is like a constant melody humming in the background..!
 I’ve realized that gazing at the moon has my own story now…!
The childhood’s daadi wali story in which the Budiya & the chandan ka pade seems to be no more realistic now…
I wonder how interestingly & unknowingly they’d replaced by just a face which was unknown for years…
The miles of distance vanishes as I look up at the enchanting and dazzling moon,
This un interrupting, calm & secret communication with the moon & amazing night fall’s pleasing nature completely isolated me from the real world…!
I felt a joy a river moving inside …the love doesn’t open the door it uses the window, it pined me for my companion…
The obvious sleepy, cozy, short nights has now transformed into the deep fantasies of never ending lengthy dark nights-the magical moments the heart has captured in it at a matured, fascinating and babyish ages of life….

Friday, January 14, 2011

is being SHE the crime i commited for...!!

Who I’m I??? They say I’m the most respectable person in this country (ha ha)!Since the time I’ve born, & for the whole life I’ve been constantly preached & well trainedAbout How to compromise my career for my brothers’ better life! To sacrifice my ambitions, my dreams 7 even my love for family pride & honor!To adjust the whole for everything!But though I’ve always given my best to the people here….Then Dear men!Y do u assault me? Molest me? Brutal me? Harass me?Murder my soul & kill my lively heart??Is this all ur way to thank for what I’ve been to u???

Dear parents!Frm food to education,Frm clothing to comfort,Frm childlife to marriage life( it continues) y do u underestimate me??Consider me & treat me as the weakest ??Y dnt u preach ur sons?? All tat u do fr ur daughters???&Dear girls/womenWhen ur fellow girls dress insensibly, hang out till late nights, roam here & there stop them right there & let them knw where it is taking to?When boys & girls do party, strictly avoid them…

If every individual genuinely behaves responsible towards social life, then hopefully,the world will be the best,safer & peaceful place fr al of us..sply the WOMANHAVE A SAFE & PEACEFUL YEAR AHEAD…:)take care!